From Anita Wood
Today I listened to a sermon given to a persecuted church in America. I did not hear anger, fear, or chastisement toward others: what I did hear was love for God, trust in His ways, and a realization that nothing takes precedence above worshiping God. The call was clear—hold to that which remains.
American Christians are in uncharted territory—for us. Persecution has never taunted our meetings, our gatherings nor our freedoms to worship or gather, until now.
Genesis chapters 6-8 were the focus: the situations of the culture when Noah lived, the circumstance of no rain nor understandings of boats then, a Godly man who dared listen to God’s directions in spite of mocking, taunting and jeers of others, who obediently continued building for 120 years. This is a small part of our Godly heritage.
I’m grateful for the personal heritage I have: a Godly lineage documented back to the early 1500’s when family members chose God over country when facing that choice… a pastor/husband who boldly preached the unvarnished truth of God’s word and modeled obedience rather than compromise, and family/friends who chose God today, even in the face of hardship or adversity.
This spurs me on!
I want to encourage you today too. God has a plan and a purpose. Remember, the chaos of today has not surprised Him! He knows today, and every tomorrow. He is a God who never changes. He is loving and kind; gracious, faithful, true… but also just. He knows every detail and will determine clearly and accordingly.
Our ultimate allegiance is to Him. Jesus paid the price for salvation; that price demanded to bridge the chasm between God and man. Man cannot reach God from our efforts or goodness; no, it requires Someone to pay the price we could never pay. Salvation is not a group experience, nor cultural event nor family experience: it is personal, one-on-one, just you and Jesus.
I pray we stand with undivided hearts, saying ‘yes’ to Jesus. Cling to that which remains!