Prayer Guide

Anita Wood   -  

A lady near Tampa Florida wrote the guide: ‘Time to Pray’. Good job Laurel Bardon! When God moves on hearts, we never know how far that reach will be. Laurel’s pastor’s wife and I are friends, therefore I saw this on Facebook and wanted to share it with you.

The past days and weeks challenge our understandings and ideas. Sometimes, I find it difficult to know what truth is about issues/news… yet we all agree about Truth. Jesus is THE truth; therefore, the Life and THE way… No one enters Heaven without being rightly related to Him.

I hope you enjoy this prayer guide (Found Below) and will use it… I am! Hope to see you before too long.



1. Bask in Who God is….. Psalm 63:1-8; Psalm 103; Ephesians 2:4-10

2. Confess sins….. Psalm 25; Psalm 139:23-24; Titus 2:11-14

3. Rest in God’s Peace/Pray for His Peace….. Psalm 62:5-8; John 14:26-27; John 16:33

4. Pray for God’s Justice….. Psalm 140:6-13; Isaiah 58:5-7; Jeremiah 9:23-24

5. Pray for God’s Protection….. Psalm 91; Psalm 94; Ephesians 6:10-18

o Read one or all of the verses in each section.
o Pray the verses to the Lord – make it personal – verbalize it out loud.
o Ask the Lord to show you a verse to memorize to pray for yourself – a family member – a
neighbor – our city/country/the world.
o Share with someone close to you the blessings from spending this time with God.