Email from Pastor Cliff
My Dear Church Family,
I just want to remind everyone reservations for the Sunday morning service are no longer necessary. If you do not feel comfortable coming, please continue to join us during the live-streaming of the service. Those who do come to the church for the service are asked to sit in the chairs with the green tape. Those living in the same household will want to sit together, but please make sure there is a row’s distance between those sitting in front and back of where you are sitting. It is obvious more people are wanting to get out and about. At the same time, others still prefer to stay in quarantine, and that is fine. I am just grateful everyone has a choice to make on their own, and since we have the ability to livestream, we are now worshipping together, just not in the same place. Remember what I said when this all started, “Worship is NOT about a place, it is about a PERSON.”
If Sunday is your first Sunday back, remember the only entrances open are through the Worship Center Foyer. We no longer pass out bulletins and the offering plates are not passed. Instead, for your convenience, “Tithe and Offering Boxes” are located along the perimeter of the Worship Center. We are asking everyone to please put their donations in one of the boxes before you enter the service.
Once again, I want to remind you that Mission Greenspoint is in desperate need of food. They have asked us to consider having an ongoing food drive during the COVID pandemic. We are more than happy to accommodate their requests. It is obvious to us on staff they need the food badly, because they have been coming to get it almost on a daily basis. So, if you are coming Sunday, please bring your food donations and place them in one of the containers in the foyer. If you do not come Sunday, you may bring your donations to the office during regular hours.
On a personal word, today marks Georgianna’s and my 49th Wedding Anniversary and also our first born son, Cliff who hijacked our 6th anniversary. Naturally both June 4, 1971 and 1977 are very precious dates to us. Other than accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior, the best decision I ever made was asking Georgianna to marry me. She has been my most faithful friend and a true partner in all my years of ministry. In every church we have served, she has worked tirelessly and demonstrated through her life how much she loves her Lord as she loved them. Of course, before I conclude this personal word, I do want to say to Cliff, “Happy 43rd Birthday!”
In closing, we want all of our members to be in prayer for the family of George Floyd, who was killed a week ago Monday in Minneapolis. Mr. Floyd grew up in Houston and his funeral service will be this Tuesday. Our prayers are also with Clint Coburn, who is now under hospice care. Please pray for his mother, Carol and his son, Cody. We are ministering to them and they are very appreciative of phone calls, texts and meals taken to the house and especially our prayers. Until the next time always,
Keep Looking Up!!!!
Pastor Cliff